Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by KaylaB (2021)

Having Made a Name for Oneself

In our parody, “Having Made a Name for Oneself”, we recorded and produced a parody of a song. My partner, Tyler Crissman and I decided to do a parody of the song Famous, by Kanye West. We had the idea to put the lyrics into google translate, and translate it into multiple languages and then back into english. This jumbled up the lyrics and made interesting new lyrics. For example, it changed “Man I can understand how it might be” in the original song to, “Father how can I know”. This creates a funnier combination of lyrics, and in some cases, the rhythm doesn’t line up with the original, making it faster and slower in sections. We thought this would make it funnier for when we were recording and eventually producing it. This makes our production a good “parody” because it is so awkward and just barely makes sense. We purposely made it sound bad in sections, to make it funner. I am most proud of the combination of the ad libs and our additions of audio effects to make everything more interesting and never boring. This process was very fun and difficult, as I spent a long time trying to get rid of the singing in the song. In Pro Tools, I definitely expanded my toolbox, and I now feel very confident in my skills, which is a harsh comparison from the beginning of the project. I was very confused and overwhelmed with the program, as it is very complicated and difficult to understand at first. Now however, I feel comfortable with the interface, and I would gladly use it again. No other class has taught me these skills and I think this will become very useful for me in the future, with any projects that I create.

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